If you are a diva who’s always had a thing for terracotta shades, then you’re in luck because summer 2019 is all about deep beatific pastels. For a truly chic style to seamlessly work it, let our Style Champion show you how it’s done.
Just so you know, the season of bright colors and color-clashing is long gone. Tune into summer of 2019 which will showcase a fashion revolution with deep colors such as orange, red and blue incorporated in a lighter shade.
It is time we welcomed the heartwarming colors for this amazing summer, which happen to be not just soft but deep, outreaching and intense.


Such soft pastels have always been an invitation to play it safe in the new season with a soft sense of style, reassuring us who we really are. Our Style Champion wants you to know there is nothing more important than being yourself and feeling happy about it.
These summer shades may seem soft but at the same time they are strong with a very definitive definition of themselves. Thus evoking you with everlasting energy and a positive vibe.


As extraordinary as these shades might be, maroon is one of the hardest color to carry during the summer since it has been associated with winter many times in the past. But keep your cool &s; use the odds in your favor as maroon with other pastels such as orange can give an avant garde effect.
A fashion trick many don’t know will today be yours thanks to our Style Champion. The next time you are ever in doubt while wearing a strong shade (does not apply only to maroon), pair your look with other colors which are definitely more summery. Whether it was accessories or a tie or even just your bag, when you combine a summer color to your look it instantly boosts your style.


It is time you had your share of fun wearing what you love at Oxolloxo

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